✴️ Life Hack ✴️⠀
Have you ever noticed that your thoughts can totally affect how you feel?? ⠀
Like if you sit back and think about it, you can really feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious just by your freaking thoughts alone⠀
Wake up in the morning, start thinking about all this shit you have to do— that can really fuck with your mood just by the damn thoughts going on in your head⠀
Our thoughts really impact our emotions and our emotions really impact our vibe ⠀
❓❓❓So what about if you tried this...⠀
Next time you’re in a low vibe funk— what if you spent some time thinking about one of your favorite memories of your entire life? ⠀
Thinking back to one of your favorite vacations, concerts, night with friends— maybe the day your child was born or the day of a major accomplishment
What happens when you start thinking about those memories??⠀
It can raise your vibe like crazy⠀
You can literally elevate yourself by feeling the same way you felt that day ⠀
Pure joy, bliss, excitement — that’s the fucking vibeee ⠀
Just wanted to share one of my favorite life tools — when shits feeling stressful (like it has the past couple weeks for me) — I intentionally recall memories ⠀
And then those memories usually have me start envisioning the future — I use my imagination to start envisioning the most miraculous life⠀
Your thoughts are powerful as fuck⠀
I know you already know that but I’m always going to be the one over here reminding you cuz we all need that’s🙌🏼⠀
Cheers to being on this wild ride called life together— i love you little Instagram bubble⠀
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